Please check back with us for more ways you can help!
About US
"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me" - Matthew 25
Temporarily Closed
St. Francis Center Long Beach serves in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi, treating all with compassion, dignity and respect. Its goal is to be a beacon of hope to families and those on the margins of society by providing food, clothing and emergency assistance in a nurturing atmosphere.
St Francis Center Long Beach started in 1970 by a group of Secular Franciscans.
Thank you
Your contributions to St. Francis Center Long Beach are greatly appreciated!

Carlos Pacheco
Acero Lock and Door
Carlos Pacheco of Acero Lock and Door, came with 2 of his employees. They changed and rekeyed all the locks and doors at the Center. All at no charge, just prayers.

Fred Hall
Fire Equipment and Supply
Fred Hall of Fire Equipment and Supply, graciously recharged all the fire extinguishers at the center. He has even offered us use of his truck in the future.

Tim and Marylou Clark
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Tim and MaryLou Clark and the parishioners of St Joseph, who removed 200+ blankets from the center, laundered them and distributed clean blankets to the homeless of Long Beach and Skid Row in Los Angeles.

BSA Troop 224
St. Maria Goretti
Thank you to BSA Troop 224 of St. Maria Goretti for all their clean up help

F&M Bank
Thank you F&M Bank for your generous contribution!

Yum Yum Donuts
Thank you for supporting our work party!

Javatinis Coffee Lakewood
Thank you for greatly discounting your coffee to us!

Signs and Services
Thank you for providing banners for our front and back fences.

Frank Picarelli
Renaissance Charitable Foundation

Mike and Anna Maria McCarty
Mike and Anna Maria McCarty for providing the refreshments for the Hard Hat Tour.

Ralphs Marina Pacifica
Thanks for providing the grocery bags for our food pantry.